CaSGC Research Infrastructure
The CaSGC, as part of its charter to develop research infrastructure throughout California, has supported and facilitated a two pronged approach. The first involves cooperative research partnerships with NASA Centers and the second is a partnership with the California Space Institute (CalSpace – University of California) to establish aerospace-related Centers of Excellence at University of California affiliate campuses.
The NASA Center — CaSGC partnerships (NASA Ames Research Center – ARC and NASA Dryden Flight Research Center – DFRC) are structured to enable university students and faculty to participate (hands-on) in NASA research projects. The programs have the following attributes:
Flexible Contractual Agreement with NASA & University as Coop Partners
The NASA Center — CaSGC partnerships (NASA Ames Research Center – ARC and NASA Dryden Flight Research Center – DFRC) are structured to enable university students and faculty to participate (hands-on) in NASA research projects. The programs have the following attributes:
- Shared Resources — Personnel & Facilities
- Shared Management Responsibilities
- Students Participate as Space Grant Trainees
- Student/Mentor Model Utilized Fully
In 2000, the CaSGC established a partnership with the California Space Institute (CalSpace — A multi-campus space research unit of the University of California (UC)) to create Centers of Excellence (CoE) on UC affiliate campuses. These Centers of Excellence not only foster world-class aerospace research and research infrastructure but also provide an effective shared resources environment for education, outreach, and workforce development. The overall objectives of this partnership are to:
- Provide stable “seed” resources from CalSpace for aerospace-related research;
- Provide stable “seed” resources from Space Grant which emphasizes education, workforce development and training, and outreach;
- Place strong emphasis on capturing & translating research results into web-based education & outreach products;
- Facilitate government and industry alliance partnerships;
CaSGC – CalSpace Centers of Excellence
- UC Berkeley
- UC Davis
- UC Los Angeles
- UC Santa Cruz
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC San Diego