Aerospace Workforce Issues
The future of NASA and the U.S. aerospace industry depends on their ability to attract, develop and retain a properly skilled professional, scientific, engineering and production workforce. The U.S. aerospace sector is also dependent upon the U.S. educational system to develop high quality graduates in math and science. The impending retirement of the aging NASA and aerospace workforce, the fact that young people are not choosing engineering and science as a career field, and a lack of qualified, skilled workers will result in the inability of the U.S. to support a competitive aerospace program in the next decade. The CaSGC has the experience and infrastructure to directly impact both NASA’s and the Nation’s aerospace workforce (Human Capital) issues.
The CaSGC Solution
The California Space Grant Consortium (CaSGC) with its associated California Space Grant Foundation (CSGF, 501(C)(3) educational non-profit) is extending its ongoing aerospace workforce development program throughout California. Key thrusts of the CaSGC workforce effort have focused on Student – Mentor projects and student and faculty interchanges and cooperative agreements with NASA Centers.
CSGC’s Ongoing Aerospace Workforce Development Programs
- Student – Mentor Model for Aerospace Workforce Development
- Addressing “Human Capital” Issues at NASA