NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships Announced
- On September 25, 2014
NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) seeks to sponsor U.S. citizen and permanent resident graduate student researchers to contribute to the goal of creating innovative new space technologies for our Nation’s science, exploration, and economic future.
Fellowships will be awarded as training grants and will be up to $74,000 per year including student stipend and allowances for faculty advisor, visiting technologist, health insurance, tuition & fees.
- Pursuing advanced degrees directly related to space technology;
- U.S. citizens OR permanent resident aliens of the U.S.;
- Has a bachelor’s degree;
- Enrolled in a full-time master’s or doctoral degree program at an accredited U.S. university in fall 2015; and
- Meets one of the eligibility profiles described in the Table of Eligibility Profiles on Page 6 of the solicitation.
Due Date: November 13, 2014.
Solicitation: Please click here.