“Amazing Space” Family Science Night Application for Middle Schools
- On September 30, 2014
The California Space Grant Consortium is pleased to announce support for two “Amazing Space” Family Science Night activities at local middle schools. This event is designed to engage and inspire students and their families in space and science and is conducted by the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. During this event, participants explore hands-on activities based upon stars, galaxies, constellations, the solar system, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and space travel. The California Space Grant will support up to two middle schools for this activity.
- Schools must be in the San Diego County area
- Grades for this activity are 6, 7, and 8
The Reuben H. Fleet will provide the following for a Family Science Night:
- Materials for 10 interactive science investigations
- Two trained Fleet educators to provide support throughout the event
- 45-minute training for teachers and adult volunteers prior to start of event
What your school will need to provide for a Family Science Night:
- A minimum of 12 adult volunteers* to facilitate activities (we suggest between 12 and 15 adult volunteers)
- 11 tables (10 for the activities and 1 for sign-in)
- A large open room, such as a cafeteria or multi-purpose room
*Note: Volunteers can be parents, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc. who are responsible around children and ready to participate in an educational evening.
How to Apply:
- Please click here to go to the online application.
- Application will close at 11:59 PM on October 31, 2014.
- Please contact Becky Howard, Program Coordinator, at rehoward@ucsd.edu or 858-822-1597.